Daily Archives: November 10, 2013

Spectator sport

Just like in the movie The Money Pit ask anyone at haul out how long they plan to be on the hard and you’ll hear, “two weeks.” Ha! It never happens. But as each boat finally makes the journey on wheels toward the water, friends and neighbors gather to watch, to cheer, and to bemoan whatever delays keep them on the dusty gravel.


Last week Moana Roa launched. They held pretty close to schedule despite equipment delivery delays and other setbacks because they had been selected by a visiting camera crew to be the star tourists in a promotional video for Trinidad. They’re a young, energetic, photogenic family and will be enthusiastic spokespeople for the island.


The video crew wanted to shoot the launch but Moana Roa was still waiting for an important part before they could install their propellor. No worries, the yard just hauled the boat to the ramp and the propellor was installed at the last minute with the camera rolling.



We spectators stayed out of camera range but cheered Moana Roa to the anchorage. 20131110-090705.jpg

But first, they did a driveby so the camera could capture them afloat. Note the second cameraman on the rooftop on the left. 20131110-090733.jpg

We learned shortly afterwards that only one engine had started and they were somewhat limited in their maneuverability. We also discovered Sonia had left her cap on the grass by the ramp. Again, no worries. The boys dove into the dinghy and motored ashore to retrieve it, giving one of the cameramen an added opportunity for an action shot.


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