Daily Archives: August 21, 2018

The troops gather

Pasarwajo is meant to be one of the Must Do stops, as our visit is timed to the annual festival. More about that later, but the hosts made elaborate plans for us including laying about 40 moorings in the very deep anchorage, which we all appreciate, as did the local boats.

We got tied up and went immediately ashore to check in with the organizers and get the lay of the land. One of our hosts offered to take us for a drive to show us the town and we happily accepted. A ride in a car is always treat for us, especially if it’s air conditioned.

Rusdi started us off at the 1940’s era home of his grandparents, which he says is a typical house on this island.

We continued on a whirlwind drive to some of Rusdi’s favorite places.

Rusdi insisted we stop into the municipal hall to meet the head of tourism (that’s him next to Jack) who is Rusdi’s boss. It was obviously a hectic time, what with a big event coming up and the rally arriving, but he was gracious in his welcome and sat with us for a few minutes before posing for photos for the benefit of the staff, who all took turns shooting us with their cell phones. We also posed for about 20 selfies with individuals. This was a harbinger of our time here in Buton — nonstop selfies with every passerby.

We asked if we could go to the market, which we found out is nowhere near the anchorage and difficult to get to without arranging a car and driver. We were glad we’d provisioned well before we left Banda. Still, any market is fun. Ok, maybe not this particular vendor.

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