Our Thai visas are due to expire shortly and rather than spend our last days in Bangkok we chose to stay in Kanchanaburi. There’s not much here beyond the Death Railway and related activities but the days are relaxing and quiet.

After the hot hike to Hellfire pass and back we both deserve a good massage. I opted for a one-hour foot massage, and Jack chose neck and shoulders. His masseuse must have felt he needed more than that and ended up completely working him over head to toe. As for me, I could go for a foot massage every day.

We find it disconcerting wherever we travel to see the penetration of Western brands into local culture, but at least here Ronald McDonald is being respectful with the usual Thai greeting.

Once again we were up early for the train back to Bangkok but this time we ordered up a tuktuk so we didn’t have to schlep our luggage the mile to the station. Our driver asked for my phone and enthusiastically took about ten photos of us, posing us here and there, trying different angles.

We probably could have gone directly to the airport but I was concerned we wouldn’t be able to make the connection from the train to the plane so we spent a final night in Bangkok. That gave me the opportunity to hit Uniqlo for some warm clothing for our next destination, and Jack a chance to have his last full English before we return to the UK in April.

Then it was off to the airport and goodby to Thailand. It’s been a great visit and we’ll definitely be back. Now, Westward Ho!