We’re taking a bit of a break this week while Nancy and Dave visit and we take the sentimental Schulz route through all of our favorite places in Pittsburgh, as well as some new ones. Today is Jack’s birthday and we’re going to Salt of the Earth to celebrate. Tomorrow we’ll hit the Strip District to pick up our Thanksgiving supplies and we’ll wander through all of the specialty stores and food emporia that have been so much a part of our life: Penn Mac, Reyna, Pamela’s, Colangelo’s, Stan’s Market, Stamooli’s, La Prima Espresso, Kaya, etc. We’ll miss our lifestyle here, but as we tell each other often, Pittsburgh would be darn near perfect if it weren’t so far from the sea.
We’re going to stash the unpacked and unsorted flotsam out of sight for a few days and enjoy this last family visit before we leave town.