Stingray City

Its actually called that. The day after the shrimp feast we moved Escape Velocity from deep in the bay up to the reef. We picked a waypoint from the crowd-sourced recommendations on our chart and Jack gritted his teeth as we conned our way through coral heads. We dropped the hook at our mark and launched the dinghy for the circuitous trip even further into shallow water to Stingray City. We were advised to get there early before the tour boats arrived but we inserted ourselves right in the middle of the melee with excursion boats, jet skis and kayaks all around us. We dropped the hook and just hung out to watch. We’d left the boat so quickly that we didn’t have swimsuits or snorkel gear but it was fun just the same and we got a good show as the tour guides fed the stingrays and the tourists shrieked whenever the sharks swam by.  

One of the tour guides waded over to our dinghy so we could touch the rays clinging to him waiting for a piece of fish from his stash. They feel soft and mushy, like Jell-O instant pudding just before it sets.  


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