Bhaktapur is apparently parade central, especially now during what seems to be wedding season. Almost every day various processions promenade past our hotel and down nearly every street of the city. Sometimes I text our friend Peter, who’s staying in a hotel on the other side of town, to alert him to a coming brass band, and sometimes he lets me know they’ve just passed his place and are on the way toward us. It can be any time of the day or night.

Early morning some days we see a cortège of young monks carrying silver bowls to receive alms of food or supplies. We never caught them in time to record the eerie recorded chanting that accompanies them. They walk a different street every day so we only saw them twice during our stay.

Every morning there’s a procession carrying offerings to a nearby temple. These parades always liven up our breakfast on the rooftop.
During the Spring color festival there was dancing in the streets, which we largely avoided to prevent being doused with too much dye powder. People are so happy here and, just like in Puerto Rico, can’t stop themselves from moving to the rhythms of the drums.

Most fun for us are the wedding processions complete with full brass band. Sometimes there are two or three a day. We have quite a few video clips but I’m working on an iPad, not the best device for video editing. Still, enjoy the joy!
Love the added videos!
Fun! And it made me think of Mom and Dad riding around town on the fire engine after their wedding!