
41 Responses to Contact

  1. Nksberger

    Hey, whats going on? I really miss your posts! I miss you two, too.


  2. Jack & Marce,
    Where are you guys? I left Beaufort Docks after two nights (and the usual arrogant attitude there) and headed up the ICW. Got hit with a violent Tstorm (60-70kts) in the Pungo River. After that all was no big deal. I’m berthed just off the Patuxent River in Hollywood, MD for the rest of the month. In August I plan to head to the northern Bay. Will be heading south in November.
    Have you got any resolution on the C80 chartplotter issues? Raymarine has started a support forum (,, which seems very responsive. If you haven’t tried it already I recommend giving it a go.


  3. Hi Marce and Jack,
    Still enjoying your adventures and hoping you had a great holiday.
    Karen and Nate

  4. carol and Steve Easterbrook

    HI Marce and Jack, Do you remember us? You looked at our Manta in Ft Lauderdale, Emerald. We picked up your blog and have enjoyed following you as you discover life aboard a boat.
    We did sell Emerald to a lovely couple who live in Jacksonville who hope to cruise eventually.
    We’ll follow you when we have internet. We’re in San Diego and off on our “Next boat” on another adventure. Take care and safe travels, Carol and Steve

    • Of course we remember you! It was your boat that made us focus on finding a Manta. Your many years of liveaboard experience inspired us and gave us a much-needed shot in the arm during our boat search. We wish you all the best on your new boat. Keep in touch.

  5. Marjorie Preston

    I’m disoriented. I thought you guys were trending south, and suddenly you’re back in Annapolis…

    Be well out there. I’m inspired by your adventures.


  6. John

    Jack – I don’t even know you but couldn’t be any happier for you than I am if I did! A toast to your health tonight! Your living my dream… don’t stop! – John

  7. Carol and Steve Easterbrook

    Happy all the news is good and you are on your way. Just a comment on the cat. Back in the 70’s when we built our first boat, we had a boatyard cat, salty. When we competed the boat and set sail on our first adventure we felt the same that you expressed about Izzy. We sadly gave Salty to Steve’s parents. 5 years later we sailed home and Salty remembered us immediately, moved back aboard and was with us until he died at 20. He made many trips during his final years aboard, didn’t really love the boat either, not sure most cats do, but we were so happy to have him back again. Carol and Steve

  8. Hello Marce and Jack, Paul and I sold our catamaran Coyaba and will be shopping for our new boat. We see you are travelling and enjoying life,… as everyone should be!!
    Paul and Shannon

  9. Nancy Smith

    Hi, your comments page for the canal keeps giving errors. So maybe you will see this. great going- hugs-all 4 of you. You done good! We will meet again someday! nancy b.

    • I just clicked the link and it worked for me. Maybe clear your cache and try again? I can’t fix anything from here but I’ll pass it on to Drew.

  10. Jack & Marce,
    Just checked in your blog for the first time this year. Glad to see you’ve made it through the canal and hope you have a safe journey to the SOPAC.
    I was interested you anchored in Portobelo. Back in the 70s I was working on an Army contract in the CZ at Miraflores. One week I was invited on board a yacht that was prepping to transit the canal. They were in Limon Bay and we sailed up to Nombre de Dios and Portobelo. then back to Limon Bay. I have some pictures of Portobelo back then at

    I though by this time Portobelo would have been developed into a tourist trap, but from your pictures it looks pretty much the same as in the 70s.

    Good luck on your cruise and have a safe voyage to where ever you are headed.


  11. About 20 years ago my wife and I had a disastrous trip in a 43′ sailboat from Martinez, CA to Wrangell, AK. I won’t go into any details but I wrote it up and sent it into Latitude 38. They published what I wrote and the editor’s comment was that I had done all the wrong things! I thought, “You asshole. I made many decisions instantly and we all survived to tell the story. I probably had twice as many hours at sea has that editor did and it really hurt. You guys did great! Those things are always very tough but you did what you had to and got back. Good for you. I hope you have many more, much better adventures. If you ever decide to come to Southeast Alaska, look us up.

  12. Chuck Evans

    Hi escape velocity,

    This is Lynn and Chuck (formerly s/v CYAN). We may have some help for you. I contacted the Manta factory regarding your situation. As I am sure you know the factory is now closed, but I found Joe Hanko, who says he can help with repairs in remote locations. I don’t know if he was with the factory, or is just a Manta community person. In any event his email is

    I don’t know if you received any of our previous comms, but we made our pacific crossing in ’07, and are willing and able to provide (dated) info about our experiences, if you would like th hear.

    Your email from today is exactly in the spirit of the dedicated cruiser. Press on and yu will be rewarded with experiences beyond your expectations.

    Chuck and Lynn
    Brevard NC

  13. Carole Ford

    My husband and I have been following your blog since Dirk shared about your disaster at sea. ( We have done some sailing years ago.) I was overjoyed and “misty eyed” to read Sunday morning that you arrived safely in Costa Rica. You’ve been in our prayers as you made your way to a safe harbor. Thank you for sharing. We love your blog and we don’t even know you.

  14. Tom Postin

    Jack & Marce ,Have a great trip ,Look forward to seeing you this side of the Pacific ,You Guys deserve a great time you have both earned it ,Best wishes Tom

  15. Tom

    Well done you two ,Very happy for you

  16. chelle

    The suspense is killing me. I can’t wait to see both of your new adventure beauty marks! I hope you have internet soon so you can post photos. I am so happy for both of you and I feel like I’m living the adventure with you. I can hardly wait for the book. Miss you both. Hugs Peace and smooth sailing.

  17. Jerry Sturdivant

    I attempted to subscribe, as noted, but did not receive the confirmation email. Oh well, I’ll check back occasionally as I know you’re in the Marquesas. That San Francisco single-hander, Tim, is my nephew and the reason I’m monitoring your site.

    Jerry Sturdivant,
    Las Vegas, Nevada

  18. Tom Postin

    Marce & Jack , Still following your trip , You have lots of great things to see ahead , Great how you Guys have bounced back from last years disappointment ,I am so pleased for you both great spirit ,Best wishes Tom

  19. Bill White

    now that u have time how do I get my blog on the home page. thanks for your help. love your blog. Bill White Irish Gift Manta 42 #82

  20. Diane Sanderbeck

    Those kayaks look good on you guys! Hooray for a successful quest!

  21. Peter Fynn

    Am really enjoying your trip in a lurking sort of way. Have a friend in NZ and wish to visit one day. You are having a wonderful time in spite of some setbacks and I love your posts and view from the deck (verandah). Keep it up – wonderful. Thanks.

  22. Peter Fynn

    ps the comment link on the bottom of your posts is not working. It comes back with a Not Found message.

  23. Cindy

    We arrive April 8 and will be looking to do this walk once we get all the gear checked into our hotel room. There is so much boat stultifying David has to pay for an e tra box…Le cafe de Trader Joe is safe in my bag…no worries mate. Wish I could have pulled off bringing a cuisinart!

  24. Fair winds…. hope we catch up with you again either in NZ inwhich we can recommend spending a lot of time or when we get offshore ourselves.
    David and Linda

  25. Jason Spitz

    Congrats on your journey to Fiji. Monica and I continue to read your blogs and hope to follow in your adventures! Jason, Breathe / Hull 49

  26. marcihafemeister

    It might ease your mind if you felt you had some autonomy in fixing America. I volunteer for wolf PAC to get free and fair elections in America. You are welcome to join us.

  27. Hello Escape Velocity. We were your neighbours on Roo Bin Esque for New Years Eve on Sydney Harbour. We have some lovely photos of you against the fireworks and we’d love to email them to you.

    Our email address is Drop us a line and we’ll send them through. Otherwise we’ll hopefully track you down on the water before we head south for Tassie.

    Regards Helene and Graham

  28. Hope to see you at lake macquarie

  29. Mary Strautin

    Ok guys. Enquiring minds REALLY want to know that you guys are OK, since the last time you posted was September 2020, and before that, April 2020.

    We sold Galileo about five years ago now. Didn’t get to live the dream of island hopping, but that’s ok, we had a fun time with her near shore in NC. We’re in coastal NE FL now.

    CRAIG found EV for sale on the Manta site … catch your followers up, will you, please?

    Best to you both,
    Craig and Mary

  30. Carol and Steve Easterbrook

    Hi Marcie and Jack, I’ve found you and your great blog on your new travels in Scotland. What a change from your days of sailing. Looks lovely there, scenery, hiking and travel. Couldn’t ask for more.
    I’m very interested in your trip to Penang for Jack’s knee surgery.
    I have both knees almost gone and really interested to going back to Malaysia for medical care. We spent several months there and used the medical services and found them excellent.
    It would serve two purposes, surgery and travel to Thailand and Vietnam again.
    We are still aboard our boat in San Diego and have marked 50 years aboard! But bad knees and boating don’t mix so this has to be taken care of. In Penang we could find a reasonable Airb&B and not break the bank as we would in San diego.
    I’m interested in a couple of things, why did you choose to go back there, and what approximately were the costs of the Knee replacement. We could do the surgery here but to go there kind of puts us back in a part of the world that we would love to be again and will never bear able to sail to again. At 77 we just don’t think we are physically to do the challenging trip across the Pacific. We sail down to Baja Mexico but that’s about the extent of it.
    Any thoughts or information you could pass on I would really appreciate. Hope you have a great 6 months in SE Asia,

    • I sent a couple of emails. Did you get them? I don’t want you to think I didn’t reply.

      • Carol Easterbrook

        Hi Marce, Yes I did get your letters and enjoyed reading them. I wrote you back and followed up with another short note. I am wondering if you got my replies.
        It sounds as if you will be leaving Thailand soon if you already haven’t, Will you head back to Scotland?

  31. Carol Easterbrook

    Hi Marcie and Jack. Had hoped to catch up with you and it seems you’ve not been posting for sometime.
    Looking for an update and stay well.

  32. Thomas and Chris Hofstetter

    Marce, Jack, I hope all is well. This is Thomas and Chris (Laos – Mekong River Tour Hua Xai to Luang Prabang). We saw you are in NJ. If you have time, we’d love to get together with you or if you want to spend some time at our house in the Adirondacks, let us know. I think I don’t have the right contact info anymore. I send you a message via your Garmin tracker with my mobile number, but am not sure if that’s the right way of getting in touch with you.
    Hope to see you

  33. Carol and Steve Easterbrook

    Hi Jack and Marcy, We,ve been wondering where you two are. iI I believe you last were trying to arrange a trip home and then nothing for several months.
    We’re still in San Diego with no cruising plans in our future. possibly sailing down to Ensenada, Mexico and spend a couple of months there. Mexico is always an enjoyable place to relax and eat good food.
    Not sure if I have an email for
    you or not but will try making contact if I do.
    If you’ve forgotten we had the Manta in Florida that you were interested in.

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