It’s fascinating to stumble upon places where blue water cruisers hole up or pause to catch their breath, or use as a harbor of refuge like us. We’re at one right now tucked away here in Golfito, Costa Rica. Tim and Katie call it TierraMar and while I’ve already described some of the local color to you, if you take the time to climb up the ramp past Tim’s floating house to the open air deck which surrounds their open air kitchen, making sure to pet all five dogs and the speckled cat, past the reasonably messy cruisers work shop, up the blue metal stairs to the second floor, you’ll find yourself in their cruisers clubhouse featuring large screen TV, $1.50 beer and $1.00 not beer, on the honor system of course.
But that’s not what’s cool. What’s really cool is that hundreds of cruisers have painted their boat names or graphics or just their names all over the walls, some of whom we know or at least know of. Soon Escape Velocity’s name will join them on the walls.
This one is another Manta. We haven’t met them yet but we know the name from the Manta Owners Organization.
It’s slow season right now in Golfito so we’re virtually floating out here alone, which exacerbates the feeling that nothing is moving forward, even though we know we’re in the queue. The only thing that breaks up the heat is our daily thunderstorm, some of which are quite feisty with wind…well our wind instrument is gone so I have no clue how much but lets just say lots. So we take up projects that we’d never seemed to have time to do before, dodge the down-pours, scrounge for parts in little shops with seemingly no theme to their proffered wares, and wait.
I’m not good at this. I think I’ll go in and pet the dogs.