We’re still figuring out where to put things in this boat. Our abundance of tools and spare parts have made this 3-bedroom catamaran into a 2-bedroom with garage. My jewelry-making supplies fill up the guest closet. And our overflowing pantry encroaches on the adjacent bookshelves. I’ve had to pile various bookshelf items on top of food containers, like my wireless keyboard, a pile of greeting cards rubber-banded together, and oh yes, the ashes of Jack’s dad and my mom, each in their own pretty silk boxes.
Tonight, the clutter started to get to me. I wanted to make hot chocolate but in order to get to the box I had to move things out of the way and balance them until I can pile them back in place.
“Everytime I make hot chocolate I have to move two dead parents!” I barked to Jack.
“That’s no good,” he said. “Mistakes could be made.”
It will all shake down in a couple of month! In the meantime have a Gin and Tonic!
two bedrooms and a garage sounds pretty good for a boat!
Doubled sided velcro is your friend. You can stick Mom and Dad Schulz on the way – in a decorative fashion – and then you can get to your hot chocolate without moving dead bodies… and mom and dad get to see all thats going on in the cabin. If all else fails, drink Grand Mariner straight up first and then you’ll be humming a happy tune while making the hot chocolate. So glad to hear you’ve made it to the boat!