Daily Archives: November 20, 2012



They appear slowly out of the shadowy mist which has been hanging over the great Neuse River for a solid week. At first it’s a slightly darker nebulous shape that coalesces into another lonely soul bundled up against the gale, anxious for a small reprieve. One at a time they turn to align the markers coming into Oriental Harbor. At first there were two, now twelve are crowded into this small anchorage, and still they come, refugees from this crazy storm.

We’ll brave the winds to gather a little companionship at the Bean Cafe, where everyone has the same look that says glad I made it and hope I don’t drag. Some just spend a night and are gone at first light. Some linger a day or two. Some appear in the morning anchored right next to you; those guys never stick around. Some are chatty. Some never say a word. Some we’ll probably meet at the Thanksgiving blowout at the Toucan Grill.

Here comes another

It has got to let up sometime.
If you want me I’ll be at the Bean.

Check out the webcams at Oriental Harbor with Escape Velocity here

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