The view from the back porch

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Whether you celebrate this American holiday or not, we hope you take a little time today to count your blessings and appreciate your family and friends, the bounty of nature, and the beautiful planet we live in. Life is short. Get out there.



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7 Responses to The view from the back porch

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. Lovely photo.

  2. I’m thankful for you! TTYL. XO.

  3. We like watching the video to see your boat on Camera!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you guys! Hope it has calmed for offshore by the time you leave Beaufort / Moorhead City. We had good experience with Moorhead City Yacht Basin prices in past – nice place & they called a diver on short notice to fix a prop that was bent coming thru Dismal Swamp canal. We have always been chicken and not gone outside till Cape Fear and river. But we always had a nice ride along coast through the area & 1 day trip making all bridges thru Wrightsville Beach… always Breakfast at the Causeway Cafe (best breakfast on East Coast) to east side of Bridge between Wilmington, NC and Wrightsville Beach. YOU GUYS HAVE A FUN TRIP OFFSHORE. We’ve been able to sail nside ICW going South (except Bridges), but going out Cape Fear River always had to plan the Tide carefully with the River. SUE AND ED on ANGEL LOUISE

  4. blessed be, Jack, Marce, and Izzy, I am thankful for your friendship, among many other blessings.

  5. Karen sherer

    Marce&Jack thinking about you

  6. Anita

    Happy Thanksgiving – you are missed by all. But, for the first time, you are realizing your dream. We’ve been hearing about it for years. I am so happy for you. Be well. Hugs and kisses to all.

  7. Carole L Esley

    A bit late, given all the pre and post Thanksgiving activities up here! I am indeed thankful for all the good stuff that has come my way here on planet earth; for my family and friends AND for you three who bring 2nd hand adventure into my life! Blessings to you ~ be safe but not so much you miss some fun. Cheers and Love from Mid Coast Maine!

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