We’ve fallen into a comfortable routine. Mondays we go to the nearby marina where a local woman sells fresh produce, juices and various salsas and sauces. She’s our go-to source for food, although we like to go to the big downtown market on Saturdays, too.
On Wednesdays we go to Burger Night at the same marina. Burgers and fries and veg burgers “for those who are partial to the cow,” according to the owner. It’s a fun night out, a cheap dinner and close to where we’re anchored in case of rain.
Fridays we sometimes take the shopping bus if we need provisions that are too big or heavy to carry on the regular city bus. Shopping buses are run by the various marinas and go to the big supermarkets, the banks, chandleries and hardware stores and you can get a lot of errands done efficiently. We prefer the city buses, but only if we have one shopping area to go to. Otherwise the shopping bus makes sense.
We’ve started going to yoga class on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in the next bay west of us, and to Tai Chi on Tuesday and Friday, two bays over, requiring a dinghy ride and a walk. We wish we had started the yoga class earlier in our stay here. The three yoga teachers are very different from each other and it gives a nice variety to our practice.
Friday evenings we sometimes dinghy to the next bay east of us for happy hour either beachside or on an old lightship.
Sunday is jam-session day at Whisper Cove Marina, right near our boat. Local and cruiser musicians and wannabes get together and sing and play while the rest of us listen and sometimes sing along. Others play dominoes or just visit. It’s a pretty lively group and a fun tradition.
Sometimes I feel like we’re in a floating retirement community, but there are also boat chores to do to remind us that this isn’t a life of complete leisure. Still, it’s a pretty good life.