
Jack and I are hugging each other with delight that we finally got to Panama, and we did it with our second longest nonstop passage ever. We will stay here in the San Blas islands for a few days to recover from our 934 mile voyage from Puerto Rico and to clean up the boat and ourselves. Then we’ll mosey down the coast toward Colon and the Canal. Looking around it’s clear we’re not in Kansas anymore. Photos to come, but this is as primitive looking a place as we’ve been so far, despite being about 60 miles from one of the great crossroads of the world.

We’re still amazed at how well EV performed on this passage, at how beautifully Uncle Ray steered us, and how perfect the weather was. We know this was a very special passage, one we’ll be talking about in the years to come. It was the best day-after-day carefree sailing we’ve ever had.

Damage report: Starboard nav light lost a few of its LEDs; we have a spare bulb which Jack will replace tomorrow. The welds on two of the supports for the starboard pulpit seat corroded through. We’ll get a welder in Colon to come repair it, and we’ll check the port side too. That’s it.


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5 Responses to Panama!

  1. I’m glad to here that you arrived Safe & Sound . Enjoy the journey together and have Some great land time

  2. Congrats, Marce & Jack, on what sounds like a wonderful passage. I didn’t know Mantas could sail off the wind (mine doesn’t seem to know how), but it’s encouraging to know that it can be done!! Be safe…

  3. Jeff

    Wing and wing. Just the sound of it is so romantic! You guys continue to be my heroes. Have fun. Stay safe. Love you.

  4. Karen sherer

    Wow the Panama Canal! You’re doing it!! Be safe hug each other for me

  5. karen sherer

    I never realized anything about the Panama Canal…this is soooo educational Amazing and fascinating LOve your photos Stay safe!

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