After motoring for a full 24 hours in zero wind we finally have a breath of air and we’re making 2.5 to 3 kts but in flat seas which my stomach appreciates. If it weren’t for our extremely low speed we’d be completely delighted with the conditions. We haven’t seen a ship since Sunday and only three all told and they were all container ships heading south, presumably to the canal.
Jack has already zoomed through a big fat paperback. I couldn’t read because of being seasick but I listened to the Joshua Slocum classic “Sailing Alone Around the World.” I’d read it years ago before we were ocean voyagers ourselves and now that we’ve experienced some of what he did 120 years ago I have a new appreciation for his eloquent thoughts on the sea, sailing, and travel in general.
Today looks to be another beautiful day and we hope for a little more breeze.
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