Indian summer days

I got the beautiful Indian summer I was hoping for. What we didn’t quite factor in are the cold nights. But the days are glorious and we only wish we were underway instead of waiting for the mail.

Now that the sun is out we’ve been able to spend the days doing errands to the laundromat, chandleries and grocery store.



On days at home I’ve caught up on some boat record-keeping, parts ordering, general accounting and such. In between we meet Alan for coffee or happy hour.


This morning I was up early and as soon as we finished breakfast we defrosted the freezer and had it done by 10 o’clock.



Ever since we redesigned the interior with bins from the container store and reorganized the contents it doesn’t seem to frost up quite so fast and is easier to defrost when it does.

Now I’m staying out of the way while Jack and Alan troubleshoot the battery charger. We are fine for power when the sun is shining but when we have rainy days we sometimes need to use the generator but the charger doesn’t seem to be working. We hope we won’t have to replace it.




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5 Responses to Indian summer days

  1. Renie

    Love the pic of Izzy at breakfast with Jack!

  2. Anita

    I also love the picture of Izzy at the table. Classic cat – thinking they are human…

  3. That is a cute picture of your fur person sitting there, while her Boss’s husband has a Black Dog cup in hand!

  4. Carole L Esley

    I was going to comment on Izzy too. She is looking more and more content and taking active interest in what’s going on! Love your furry friend….

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