Daily Archives: May 12, 2013

It’s two o’clock somewhere

There was barely a breath of wind out on the glassy harbor, hardly enough to disturb the smooth surface of the water or to even make a catspaw. Sunday morning in Charlotte Amalie is never very active but this morning I’d have to describe it as dead. That’s fine by me. It’s two o’clock in Spain and that means its time for the running of the Spanish Formula One race but I’m in Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas,USVI.

We’ve bicycled to a sports bar. We’ve actually watched a race on Escape Velocity’s built-in flat screen TV using an antenna mounted sixty feet up at the top of EV’s mast. We’ve watched a sputtering web cast version on our iPad. Usually we’re reduced to reading a lap-by-lap live blog of the race, the guy can really type, better than nothing but its just not the same.

Todays modern communication miracle attempt will be NBCs Sports Extra App live streaming of the actual broadcast, formerly seen on ESPN but bought by NBC this year with promises of this App streaming live direct to my iPhone. This as far as I know will be their first attempt. Wifi will have to do because we had to buy a SIM card just for use in the USVI without a data plan. The problem is that we also had to buy a 200 hour wifi plan which is vaguely beamed at the harbor for $40 and is slow and mercurial at best. We have a long range wifi antenna on the roof arch so when we log onto shore based wifi, we can then log all our i devices onto EV’s router with much joy aboard ship. Lately there hasn’t been much digital joy aboard ship. It simply doesn’t work very often. Annapolis cost $12 a month and was always ready and waiting with a smile.

Well the morning was taken up juggling various devices and on several occasions I had audio and video at the same time only to get bumped off a minute later. Yes, it is complicated but it was great to hear the energy and excitement of the announcer’s voice and know that it was live. Live from Spain, where it is now happy hour. Dos Mojitos por favor!


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