A sorry state of affairs

You know it’s a sorry state of affairs when you can count the day you’re having as a great day just because a guy you’ve called at least fifteen times actually answers his phone. You heard me right. The mysterious Max Soto, architect and part time sailboat rigger, is alive, apparently well and sure he has a lifeline swager as long as our lifeline wire is 3/16″ which ours just so happens to be. I resisted the urge to tell him that apparently his is the only one in Costa Rica and he’d be delighted to drop by the barco Monday or maybe Tuesday. Yes I know dear Escapees you’re saying here we go again with the mañana business but what progress, what optimism.

I was so elated that I thought why not go for the daily double and hunt down our elusive yard manager? I’ll return his West epoxy now that I got tired of waiting for the fiberglass guy and filled all the old stanchion holes myself. Why am I doing all this work for free when my insurance company is willing to pay somebody else to do it?

So at this point I figure there’s no stopping this kind of mojo…why, there he is now sitting in his well chilled office. Oh, by the way, he says, as I sink down into his cool plush upholstered chair, the fiberglass gel-coat guy will be on EV Thursday…I tell you dear Escapees I was gobsmacked. I mean that’s realworld communication. Sweet Jesus what a day! It’s a poverty of dreams that I couldn’t think of anything else to ask for. A day like this should not go wanting but, well there it is.

Mack Sails should be here this Wednesday and the man himself this Friday so what could go wrong?

Stay tuned.


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3 Responses to A sorry state of affairs

  1. You really should present your insurance company with a bill for anything and everything the two of you have had to do while in this “sorry state of affairs” – seriously. Most especially your labor no one else would do, no matter the reason. Find out the going labor rate and present them with a statement for services rendered. It is not unusual in the insurance business. I used to handle claims of another sort many years ago, but it can’t hurt to try. All they can say is no and y’all have heard that plenty enough. Go for it! That’s my motto. It’s stood me in good stead in my lifetime! Good luck! I’m still pulling for y’all!

  2. Tom Coulombe

    LMAO. Best of luck to you both, always.

  3. Smith Wesley

    Lash your new mast to the ship and motor south to Panama for repairs. Get out of there now and forever.

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