Block Island

We decided to get an early start, timed to arrive at the Great Salt Pond, Block Island, before noon. The Harbor Master said that mooring balls can’t be reserved, so by noon the cruisers ought to have moved on and we could have our pick.

Escape Velocity approaching Block Island Bluffs.
We didn’t have our pick but Marce found us a good one. Dinghy down, we got to The Oar Restaurant just before Marce’s sister & brother in law arrived by ferry.

Aldo the baker’s boat wanders the harbor calling ALDO ADIAMO and he’ll stop at your boat with a boat load of Italian pastries! His outboard has a sign that says,”I gotta no change”.”


The sisters have some quality time together, while turning out incredible meals. Dave and I are busy with the blue jobs.

The view from the back porch.

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One Response to Block Island

  1. Anita

    Lovely sisters together again!

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