A simple errand

Our last night at anchor off Atlantic City was celebrated with Margaritas and 25 kts. of wind whipping through the anchorage.


We woke up at dawn to find half of the boats in the anchorage gone. We must have been below when the pig floated by! We’d already decided to sail to Lewes Delaware at the bottom of the bay, so we took no offence.

20120928-212646.jpgMarce handles a Delaware Bay take down, in another beautiful anchorage near Roosevelt Inlet, far off the beach, but behind their breakwater.

Well, it happened again. We were anchored well off the beach not near anything so when we heard “Hey how’s it going?” close at hand we jumped. Turns out, instead of a swimmer, a kayaker paddled all the way from the beach to say hi.

This side trip put a serious kibosh on our plans to get a great anchor spot at the Annapolis Boat Show, but we had business in Delaware. As I’ve said we anchored a good mile from the inlet in Lewes and have I mentioned the Honda outboard is somewhat unreliable? A lot of improbable things had to line-up for this errand to work. First we had to make it over a mile into the inlet, then we had to talk the University of Delaware Marine Center into letting us tie our dinghy to their dock. The cab had to show up on time, the cranky lady at the marine register place had to show up, the cabbie had to not take another fare while we negotiated with the cranky lady, and the Honda had to start up and get us back to Escape Velocity for a very long day getting all the way up the Delaware Bay.

The Honda stalled at least a half dozen times. The cab was late. The cranky lady was…well cranky, but we made it


Yes Escapees we’ve finally managed to register Escape Velocity.


That’s life on the water


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2 Responses to A simple errand

  1. Ed

    Sue noticed you have the same lime green iPad cover and same yellow bracelet “Live Strong” we have. Glad your registered and should be free from being a water police magnet for no state sticker! That was how we avoided MD tax hassles for 3 years! They would see our Iowa sticker and figure why bother. Thanks be for lazy tax collectors as MD tax is a high one.

  2. Would like to see a picture with the sails up. Good to see that you are now registered.

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